About Humanities



At Providence Christian School, the humanities courses combine the academic disciplines of literature, history, geography, and theology into a single educational pursuit.  Its goal is to help form students who are wiser and more skilled for having studied the history and literature of Western Civilization within the context and inspiration of Christian scholarship.  The humanities at PCS is not only a curriculum or a class but a rich learning experience, one that is prayerfully entered into each year by teachers and students who are seeking to see and appreciate God’s truth, beauty, and goodness in the story of the world.  This intellectual journey travels many paths:  art, history, literature, theology, religion, and philosophy, while practicing many disciplines:  thinking critically; reading deeply; listening attentively and empathetically; writing correctly, clearly, and with style; and speaking with integrity, charisma, and eloquence.


Humanities VI(Grade 12) takes a deeper look at the modern world remembering that even being “modern” has a history. In Humanities VI, students will be returning to the period from Humanities III studying, discussing, and focusing on key works of the modern and post-modern world but this time, students will look specifically at how we as a people have dealt with the persistence of evil, conflict, and war understanding how these have impacted our world and worldview. Students will discern the social, historical, political, personal, and theological effects of war on humanity by studying art, architecture, philosophy, theology, literature, and history.